Today's challenge is to talk about 8 fears of mine. Now this sounds like some serious topic..I suppose I should lighten the mood before I start explaining my fears. Found this quote by Jerry Seinfel and thought it was an interesting take on 'fear'.
“According to most studies, people's number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral,
you're better off in the casket than doing the eulogy.”
1. Roller Coaster Rides - Now, for most of you, when you hear 'Six Flags' or themepark .. the main thing you are really excited about is roller coasters. I, on the other hand, don't really enjoy the butterfly feeling in my stomach. If you ask me, where or when I got this fear, I dnt have an answer to that. But I do know that I am not as brave as the next door kid who would be very enthusiastic to get on a roller coaster and scream their throats for fun.
P.S. I am proud that I have been on the tallest and one of the fastest roller coaster in the world - Kingda Ka! I can still remember seeing nothing during the ride as I had my eyes closed the entire time but I did feel a lot of butterflies in my stomach.
2. Peak a "Boo" - You might be wondering y some one would be scared of this baby game. Well, I am scared of the "Boo" part. If anyone suddenly surprises me with a shout or boo, I get pretty scared. I know it is silly but I blame this on a particular episode of the famous 'Byomkesh Bakshi" which I had watched while I was about 5 yrs old. I have been laughed at for this but somehow I can't seem to get rid of this fear even after so many years. So beware, if you do surprise me suddenly, you can expect a punch from me :D
3. Horror movies - I am not into this particular genre of movies (with some minor exceptions).
4. Thrill adventures - An extension of rollercoaster, but here it is more specific to adventures like sky diving or bungee jumping or para gliding etc. You get the point. I think I have a slight Bathophobia (and this may be a bit exaggeration)
5. Fear before taking any exam - This is a very common fear all of us have. There is always a slight hesitation about if we might forget everything, if we wud fail. I have never known to show this fear to others but yeah, I admit it that I do have this fear. I thot we would outgrow this over years but looks like that does not happen.
6. Needles (or should I say Injections) - I have been given kiddy band-aid coz of this fear, may b lollipop or two too. Everytime a needle is brought near to me, it is very important to distract + relax me. I should def say, I have overcome this fear to a certain extent but still given any day, I prefer pills to needles. BTW this is fear is called Trypanophobia
7. Fear of God -I shouldn't really categorize it here but it does fit here in some sense. Now this is one fear I have positive things to say about. I dn't mind fearing God. I know there is a small part of me which fears God. But if you ask me, whether all the decisions I make are based on this fear, I would say no. I believe in 'Karma'. And I think Karma and God are related in some way. I am religious and I guess that explains this fear in a way.
8. Fear of losing people we love - This is the hardest of all fear to accept. It is always there within us but something which we never vocalize or show. The follow quote summarizes it beautifully:
“When I saw you, I was afraid to meet you... When I met you, I was afraid to kiss you...
When I kissed you, I was afraid to love you... Now that I love you, I'm afraid to lose you.”
3,4,7,8 totally agree...
and what abt the slimy reptiles and cockroaches???? r u allergic to them?
my goodness you would be the last person i could imagine believing in karma ...:P
@Sound - wel i do believe in it but i wnt blame/credit my life to karma all the time nor preach it to others :) it is a personal thing :) plus i used the word karma which essentially describes wat i think but might be over exaggerated the moment u say it out loud.
@Shobs - I thought abt it. but could convince myself that i fear them that much. cockroaches, naah i am not afraid. And I am not sure if I am allergic to them.
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