Recently, I have been looking for something new to write on my blog. ... something which will actually make me explore things about myself and also about things around me. I came across this 10-day challenge which I found very interesting. I thot, y not give it a try .. so here comes an overload of known and unknown info about me for the next 10 days :D

The first day, I have to write about 10 secrets (as u have already seen from the pic). Now this is a hard task for me as I think I have more secrets of others than my own ... I wnt say I am a complete "open" book (think that is sooooo over rated) but I am always myself and the same to everyone, as much as I can. So moving on to my task for the day, here are 10 secrets, some known and other unknown, about me.......
1. I was a kathak dancer once upon a time....I learnt kathak for about 3 yrs when I was 5 yrs old... successfully completed various levels of exams ... had to give up when I moved cities.... I remember being good at it .. and I often get teased (in a good way) by my family about this one particular song for which I danced. The song goes some thing like "tarkari lelo, gajar ka darwaaj hain " with descriptions of various veggies ... my family esp my aunt and uncle still remember the steps and show it to me so I can remember but alas. But yeah, I have a pic to remind me of my 'golden dancing' days.
2. On similar 'creative art' front, I learnt this form of painting with engravings on wood, roller paint and paper during my middle school. About 20 of us participated in this 2-3 day workshop where our art teacher taught us everything abt this project. It was for a competition and one's drawing was to represent one's country (India, in my case). It was fun project where we didnt really worry about competition and were happy that we got to bunk classes. Fast forwarding the story, I had shifted schools and forgotten all about it when one day my mom called and told me that I had gotten this certificate, all in Polish, telling me that my painting was selected (and I was one of the 2 ppl from our school or city, not really sure who had gotten this). Now it is a framed piece of art at my home in India and every time I look at it, even though I d'nt understand a word of it, I feel very proud.
3. You might already know how lazy I can get when I am asked to go to gym or play some active sport (My husband sure knows it). But I wasn't always like that. In my school days, I loved participating in sports or team games. I think my most loved sport was running team relays. I would spend my summers playing badminton on the 'gully' road right in front of my house. I was a state level hockey player during school. I think my college days spoiled me. Now the only I sport I take active participation is "dancing in a club/party" :D Hoping things change soon.
4. For a vegetarian, I am one of the most picky vegetable eaters. The list of vegetables I don't eat is longer than those I eat. I did finally start liking Bittergourd (karela or pavakkai).. and thus increased the competition for my dear hubby.
5. I tell white lies!
6. Electronics, including watches don't last long in my hands (for some weirdest reason). So if you are planning to gift me these, you might wanna reconsider ;).
7. I was addicted to handheld video games growing up. Remember the one video game where you could play tetris, car racing and snake and had this weird game music/sound. The highest score you get in it was 99999 (I think) I loved playing that. I remember walking into my dad's work meeting tell him that I had made the high score. Everyone was looking at me and my dad didnt know what to say. Lucky for him, his boss congratulated me and I left happily. I also owned tv video games and broke a good number of joysticks playing them.
8. I own a LOT of clothes ......and shoes .......and jewelery ........and bags......and, Ok, the list is long and you get the point :D
9. My pet names include sweetchoco, sharan, sharu, sheri, sheru, bubbles, chengamallam, sugar high (I might hav missed some). So how do u you call me?
10. I fell down 33 feet on a concrete floor and a plastic bucket saved me. and yeah, I am not crazy!!
Are you the same Sharanya who studied at AC tech. Cuz whatever you told bout yourself in here does not match at all with the Sharanya I knew in college.
@Nirmal - which nirmal are you ? + Some of things were before college and some are present .. so i guess i changed a lil overs yrs .. + which ones dnt u believe
@Sos - tats y had it at the end, as a big finish :D
the poor
@Yuv - it is currently serving as a pot to a plant! :)
hahaha! so we now know 10 top secrets abt u :D
Boy do I miss those times.. :-/ Our silly fights and grudges.. I look back and laugh at them now :) Your blogs are fantabulous. Keep it coming
@Sujata - True true .. we hav a come a long way ... growing up and laughing at ourselves more than anything for the antics we did in the past .. and Thank for the support .. hav fun reading :D
You mean 'challenge' in your title, right?
@Anon - yeah .. thanks . didnt even realize it ! made the mistake on day 1 and every other day was copied from tat !
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