Thursday, January 13, 2011

10 things I learnt by watching a Korean TV show

For the past couple of days (may b a bit more), I have bn watching this Korean TV show non-stop … I have watched a bunch of Korean movies before but never was this addicted … anyhoo..o, it inspired me to write this post !! here it goes…
1. They love showing respect to each and everyone through bending resulting in a trim figure !
2. Love eating Ramen to the point that I made it for myself too :D
3. A lot more Americanized that one might imagine in terms of use of expressions, clothing brands/styles (or is it jus me?)
4. That kissing scenes are very similar to those in Indian movies (not the Emraan Hashmi style)
5. About Korean Rolled Egg Omelet (looked very yum but lets see how it wud taste)
6. Few Korean words (Sunbae-senior, Noona – elder sis as called by a guy, Unni- elder sis as called by a gal, Amma and Appa –  mom and dad (same as in tamil))
7. That they have an amazingly smooth hair (and some funky hairstyles too)
8. They eat a lot of side dishes with rice, the more the better
9. You cant tell difference between a teenage girl and the one in her twenties, even thirties … they all look young !!
10 That I love them and gonna start watching the next one….

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